08 June 2010

request of the day!

so the aforementioned bicycle is SUCH a blessing...and a curse when you're not totally in shape. if you don't mind say a prayer for me when you pass wobbly bikers on the side of the highway...that i master the art of looking behind me without turning the whole bike AND that my not 17 year old body doesn't completely revolt this new lifestyle!

i'm aware this is a totally self centered request...by all means continue praying for CADI, too!



  1. hey...my name's josh blackwell. donald page told me today that you were in florianopolis. he was like...hmmm, that sounds familiar and asked me about it. sure enough, you're in my hometown where i was born and raised. my parents were in floripa as missionaries for 15 years with the imb. i've still got close missionary friends that are down there. let me know if you need anything and i'll be sure to get with them to get in touch with you. i know you've probably got things covered, but just in case... i'll be praying for your work down there. they are a very friendly people and i know you'll love every second you're there. if you need something, just send me an email and i'll get with the greenwiches (missionary family there) about assisting you if you need anything. they live on the continent (sao jose). i lived close to the beira mar in trindade. here's my email: blackwell.joshua@gmail.com

  2. Josh! That is great! Sara is here working with us! We are thrilled to have her too! "Aunt" Alana
